Monday, March 30, 2020

Things To Know About A Political Science Tutor

Things To Know About A Political Science TutorA political science tutor is a person who teaches students of politics. Although a political science tutor will not be in charge of helping students learn the ins and outs of political decisions, they will still be able to give their students a sense of the importance of taking political decisions that are based on political principles. The political science tutor will be an expert in making sure that the students understand how and why they should put their political principles into practice.This career does not require you to have a college level of education. You do not need to be a math genius to do this career. With all the different topics that could come up during an assignment, a political science tutor is usually only required to know the basics. They will also help students write well-written assignments and talk coherently about subjects that they do not understand.Political science is one of the most popular careers in college today. It provides students with the ability to get a great job or to start their own business. If you are interested in entering this field, then you will need to find a political science teacher or a political science tutor.There are many political science teachers available in the United States. The best way to find one is by talking to your local colleges. Some schools have their own political science department, but others hire these teachers to work at the college level. The school might only have one or two political science professors, but you can choose which one you want to be your teacher.Once you have chosen a college professor, then you will need to find a tutor. A political science tutor is usually a student of political science. When you have found a professor and a tutor that you like, then you will need to get a referral from your college.A political science teacher or political science tutor can be found by going to the school's library. The librarian will usually know who to refer you to. Sometimes, you can find your political science teacher online. If you cannot find a political science tutor online, then you can always go to the college's alumni association or to a university section in the campus newspaper.You will need to research the political science teacher before you make any commitments. It is very important that the teacher and the student have a good working relationship before the student begins classes with the teacher. If they do not get along well when the student is in the classroom, then you might want to consider other courses.Once you find a political science teacher and tutor that you are comfortable with, then you will need to start your own political science class. If the student wants to start a political science class, then you will need to have the student write the syllabus. The political science tutor will usually write the syllabus so that there is a clear connection between the professor and the student.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Learn a Language by Yourself 5 Rockstar Tips for Success

How to Learn a Language by Yourself 5 Rockstar Tips for Success How to Learn a Language by Yourself: 5 Rockstar Tips for Success So youve decided that you want to learn a second language.Rock on! Good for you!But now what?  How are you going to do this on your own?Are you aiming too high? Can you really learn a language by yourself?Yes you can! So lets leave the doubts right here at the door and never look back.You  can  learn a language on your own, and to set you up for success Im sharing five awesome tips that are filled to the brim with actionable items you can start today! How to Learn a Language by Yourself: 5 Rockstar Tips for Success1. Work withâ€"Not Againstâ€"Your PsychologyIn language learning, it is  attitude, not aptitude, that determines success. -Steve KaufmannSet S.M.A.R.T. goalsIf you dont know where you are going, how are you ever going to get  there?  I know, it sounds like something that would be printed on one of those corny motivational posters from the 80s.  But its still a valid question to pose to oneself before embarking on a self-guided language learning mission.When most people th ink of goal setting, short-lived New Years resolutions probably come to mind. Many of us set out to conquer the world on January 1, vowing to learn a new language, drop ones spare tire, get out of debt, etc. Yet a few weeks later, we somehow find ourselves watching bad TV instead of studying, stuffing our face holes with pizza instead of broccoli and charging a new big screen on our Visa.But why does this happen? Is it simply a matter of laziness and weakness of character? Perhaps for some. But I think the  real  problem for most people is poorly defined goals. While  setting  goals is no guarantee that you will actually  achieve  them, it is an important step in the right direction.So whats the problem with most goals, especially the aforementioned resolutions? They are either vague, unmeasurable, unattainable, irrelevant to ones life, have no clear deadline or all of the above. To prevent such wimpy goals, try instead to employ the acronym S.M.A.R.T. to your language learning goal s. A smart goal is:Specific.Measurable.Attainable.Relevant.Time-bound.Instead of saying, I want to learn Spanish (What do you mean by learn? By when? For what purpose?), you can instead say, I am going to speak with my Spanish language partner every Wednesday for 15 minutes for the next 6 months. See the difference?Embrace the process over the destinationSetting goals is essential, but contrary to popular belief, picturing yourself attaining those goals is actually not as helpful as you might think. Positive thinking is great, but what ends up happening for many people is that they subconsciously think, I have already reached the goal, so why work so hard? I know, it sounds crazy, but its a real phenomenon. So set goals, yes, but instead of picturing  yourself crossing the finish line, visualize yourself actually running the race.View language learning as an adventure, not a choreInstead of telling yourself, I  have to  study a language today, use a little linguistic jujutsu and say instead, I  get  to study a language today. Yes, its a small change, but it can have a significant effect on your outlook and likelihood of staying the course day in and day out. Remember that languages are doorways into new lands, new cultures, new foods, new music and perhaps, new romances. The minutes and hours you spend today, could earn you years of joy down the road.Choose inherently enjoyable learning activitiesIf you wouldnt watch a soap opera in your native  language, why would you force yourself through one in your target tongue? (Well, all right, unless youre studying Spanishâ€"because Spanish soap operas are their own unique form of entertainment! But you see my point).  Part of making language learning fun is doing things in  the language that you would do anyway, activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.For me, its learning martial arts or other physical activities. The immediate physical context makes it much easier to figure out whats happening, helps make voca bulary stick (especially if someone  sticks  a punch because I did the drill wrong) and is inherently enjoyable in its own right. Do a quick survey of your personal passions and find some opportunities to do something with them using your target language.2. Design Your Environment to Maximize Language Input and OutputExcellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. Choice, not chance, determines your destiny. -AristotleReplace your media with target language equivalentsIts imperative to stop choosing to study throughout your day. When you make your target language the  only  option, you have no choice but to get valuable exposure each and every day. And one of the best ways to limit choices and maximize learning is to switch all your sources of media (TV, movies, magazines, blogs, podcasts, etc.) to your target language. Place foreign film DVDs by the DVD player. Replace the magazines in the bathroom. Put a stack of foreign language manga next to the bed. You get the idea.And if youre looking for an easier and natural way to learn from foreign language media, then you should check out FluentU. FluentU takes real-world videos like music videos, movie trailers, and TV shows and turns them into language learning experiences. Its a terrific way to quickly pick up natural vocabulary and to learn with context.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos like movie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse Screen.FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.Interact ive transcript for Carlos Baute song.You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs learn mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.Start using FluentU on the website  with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the  iTunes  or  Google Play  store.Change all your devices to your target languageThis one is a game changer. Given how many hours a day most of us spend with our eyeballs glued to our various screens, changing the device display language can significantly increase our target language exposure. Granted, this increases passive reading input, not active speaking output (the most important language activity), but hey, every little bit helps.Best of all, you can make lots of educated guesses about new vocabulary based on your previous experience using the user interface in English. For example, if you are new to Japanese, you probably dont know the word for Settings in the language yet, but once you change your iOS interface to Japanese, you will see that ?? (settei) is written below the Settings icon. Boom. Thats one more word in the bag.Label key items in your home and office in the target languageAn old idea, but a good one. Just as changing your device language increases exposure to contextual vocabulary throughout your day, labeling items around your home and office accomplishes much of the same goal. The difference of course is that these labels will be providing less tech-centric input, meaning youll learn lots of useful real-life vocabulary thats necessary if you ever travel or live abroad.To get started, use Vocabulary Stickers, durable and removable labels that teach you the names of the most important items around your home and office, for hassle-free language lea rning. For languages with grammatical genders, the stickers are  even conveniently  color-coded so you learn the gender of each word as you learn the word itself.Create visual study cues and When I, then I statements to promote new habitsCreating new habits (or quitting old ones) can be an extremely difficult task, but there are a few tricks to stack the behavior change deck in your favor:Create constant visual reminders in your environment. Place flashcards on your nightstand, put language apps on the home screen of your device and swap out your media as discussed above.Create some When I do X, then I do Y statements. For example, When I wake up, then I immediately review 15 flashcards. Make these statements tied to specific times of day, specific locations or other activities you do on a regular basis.3. Track Your ProgressWhat gets measured gets managed. -Peter DruckerMeasure progress in hours, not yearsMost people assume that it will take years to learn a foreign language. And s ure enough, it does seem to take most folks at least a few years to reach conversational fluency in a foreign language. But this is because most people only put in a few hours (if not a few  minutes!) each week.But if you made language learning your number one priority and put in at least an hour  every day, you would be able to reach your fluency goals far faster. Forget about years. Such measurements of time are too big and too intimidating to be of much good for our purposes.Instead, try to keep track of how many  hours  you spend actively learning the language each day. If you are not improving as fast as you want, the answer is very likely that you are not putting in enough hours each week. But unless you measure, you wont know. You will likely feel like you are putting in gobs of time, but may in fact be doing very little.Record yourself speaking at least once a monthWhile there are many ways to measure your progress, unscripted speaking is by far the best test of your actual level in a language. It doesnt matter what device you use (smartphone, tape recorder or phonograph), just make sure you do it at regular intervals. I recommend once a month so that there will be enough time to seeâ€"or rather  hearâ€"observable progress.Write a daily journal in your target languageWhile speaking ability is the main goal for most language learners, writing skills should not be underestimated. Keeping a daily journal in your foreign language is a great way to both improve your word smithing skills while also measuring your progress over time. The journal doesnt need to contain beautiful, flowing prose. The only requirement is that you get words down on paper (or on the screen) on a daily basis. Months later, you can then go back and review what youve previously written. You will be amazed how far youve come!4. Create a Tribe: Learning By Yourself Does Not Mean Learning AloneYes, I think its okay to abandon the big, established, stuck tribe. Its okay to say to them, Yo ure not going where I need to go, and theres no way Im going to persuade all of you to follow me. So rather than standing here watching the opportunities fade away, Im heading off. Im betting some of you, the best of you, will follow me.' -Seth GodinGet a tutor, language exchange partner or private teacherThough the title of this post is How to Learn a Language by Yourself, I am in no way encouraging you to learn in isolation. You must (I repeat, must) apply what you learn by interacting with native speakers. What I am saying is that you dont need to attend formal classes to do that. With the advent of Skype (and similar VOIP services), you can now interact with native speakers of nearly any language, just about everywhere. There are countless free (or at least affordable) language exchange sites, some of which even connect you with professional teachers. My favorite is iTalki, but you can Google around until you find something you like.Find or make friends learning the same languag eLearning alone is not only boring, its also a recipe for failure. Having at least one friend learning the same language as you means that you will have a trusted confidant to share with, whether its sharing resources or venting frustrations. It also allows for a little friendly competition.5. Consistency Trumps Quantity: Make at Least a Little Progress Every DayYou dont set out to build a wall. You dont say Im going to build the biggest, baddest, greatest wall thats ever been built. You dont start there. You say, Im going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid. You do that every single day. And soon you have a wall. -Will SmithCommit to a small amount of study every day no matter whatIs it better to study five hours a day than five minutes? Sure. But its also way better to study five minutes a day than not at all. No matter how many curve balls, emergencies or defeats your day throws at you, do your very best to fit in at least a tiny bit of language study. Even if i t means just reviewing one single flashcard. When you completely miss a day, you are that much more likely to miss the next, and then the next, and so on.  Dont let yourself break the streak.Use hidden moments throughout the dayAs I mentioned in my last post, hidden moments are a great way to squeeze in language learning time even in the busiest schedule. Any time you find yourself waiting for something (may it be waiting in line or waiting for the elevator), whip out some flashcards or listen to a podcast. A few seconds here, a few minutes there, can all add up to a big chunk of time at the end of the day.Study first thing in the morningLiterally, put language learning first. Before you do anything else in your day, make sure that you spend a little bit of time listening, speaking, reading or writing. That way, no matter how many TPS reports you end up having to resubmit at the office, you will have already checked off language study from your list of daily commitments.Do you feel confident now? You should, because you  can learn a language by yourselfâ€"and feel like a rock star as you progress towards reaching your specific language goals.Just put these tips into action and youll be on the road to success.Good luck!John Fotheringham is a linguist, author, entrepreneur, pun aficionado, and full-time silly goose. As both learner and teacher, he has spent the last decade testing first hand what works, and perhaps more importantly, what doesn’t. He shares these results on his blog, Language Mastery, in his podcast, The Language Mastery Show, and in his comprehensive language learning guides, Master Japanese and Master Mandarin.

Readers choice Your favorite teach abroad articles of 2017

Reader’s choice Your favorite teach abroad articles of 2017 At Teach Away, we have the privilege ofwitnessing firsthand the transformative power of great teachers, just like you, every day. By bringing amazing teachers and innovative schools together all around the world, the whole Teach Away team is proud to play our part in changing the world for the better. Our wonderful community of international educators has grown rapidly in 2017. In fact, there's now over 750,000 of you (not to mention our 34,000 Facebook followers!) Our blog has also grown hugely this year. In 2017 alone, our posts were read over 210,000 times! The articles you loved most in 2017 Looking back at 2017, we’ve rounded up our most popular (and relevant) blog posts throughout the year. If you haven't already done so, don’t forget to check them out: Can I teach English abroad if I’m a non-native speaker? 5 ways to progress your international teaching career in the UAE 6 top interview tips from a teach abroad recruiter 5 steps to becoming a culturally responsive teacher Quiz: Are you a digitally literate teacher? Happy reading! And as we wrap up for the New Year, we wanted to take a moment to send a sincere message of thanks to our amazing readers here on the Teach Away blog. We appreciate you reading, commenting and sharing our blog posts and we'll continue to use your feedback to make the Teach Away blog an even better resource for international teachers in 2018!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Can Private Tutoring Save You Money?

Can Private Tutoring Save You Money?Private tutoring for children can be a great way to save money on tuition fees. However, if you are seeking private tutoring for children then there are some things that you should consider to make sure that you choose the right private tutor. Many parents take their kids to private tutors for childcare, but some parents who do not have the time to go on the internet or spend money on private tutors, try the same thing. The only problem is that they find the same problems that most parents face when it comes to private tutoring.The first problem you may encounter when you hire a private tutor is the cost. If you take your child to the same private tutor, you can expect to pay the same amount of money. Although, the price of private tutoring is often less expensive than private schools, it does not always mean that they provide better service.Another problem that most parents face when they hire a private tutor is the quality of the tutors. If you s earch around, you will find that many of the private tutors fail to provide quality education for their students. Even though many private tutors have high qualifications, it is important to remember that not all schools are willing to pay for teachers with high qualifications.Although, you can compare some of the tutors to find out which one has the best quality, the other option is to find a private tutor that offers private tuition in the place where you live. The cost of private tuition will differ depending on where you live. The best way to do this is to visit the location that you live in, and see if they offer any private tuition.The second problem that most parents face when they hire a private tutor is the time factor. When you use a private tutor, you will have to commit to spending a certain amount of time with the tutor. A good tutor can work with the children of all ages and age groups and be flexible enough to work with your schedule.However, if you are not committed to working with a tutor, you may find that you do not receive the same results as those who dedicate more time to their private tutoring activities. In fact, it may even become detrimental to the child's growth if the tutor is not dedicated to his or her activities.Hopefully, the above-mentioned tips will help you save some money on private tutoring. These tips should help you avoid the problems that most parents have when they employ a private tutor. However, when you decide to use a private tutor, it is important to ensure that you are using a teacher who is highly qualified and can work with your children at home.

What Is a Quantized Chemistry Definition?

What Is a Quantized Chemistry Definition?A Quantized Chemistry Definition is a tool that helps to define the chemical reactions that take place in the production of a chemical. A chemical is simply defined as the molecule, ion or element which creates a reaction. The definition is useful for beginners to the field of chemistry who are only familiar with the terms molecular, ionic and physical.There are several types of definitions. The first one that comes to mind is the massless definition and the second one is the transfer/charge/bond definition. Let us have a look at each of these definitions and see how they help to define a chemical reaction.The massless definition is the definition that is used when we talk about a chemical without knowing the name of the element that created it. In this case the charge of the element is ignored and the 'mass' of the element is taken into account. This is the simplest type of definition and allows for a list of elements that can be found in nat ure and give the names of all the reactions that can take place. If we make a list of all the elements that can occur in nature, we will see that most of them consist of at least two atoms.The transfer/charge/bond definition is another one. In this definition the atom, ion or molecule is given a bond to another. The information is passed from one atom to another and the bonding is set up between the atoms.As you can see from the above definitions, there are several more definitions that can be used for the study of chemistry. You will also come across some definitions that are inapplicable or useless. What happens is that people simply pick up one of the definitions to define a chemical reaction and end up with a chemical that does not really happen.Some of the definitions that are applied are wrong and cannot be used. They are not taken from scientific sources and are really not scientific in nature.The best way to go is to go with a chemical definition that is based on scientific sources. Such a definition is an exact scientific one and will be well known to anyone interested in the field of chemistry. Any chemist who uses it will definitely get the right definition and will understand the concepts of a chemical reaction.

What is it Like to Attend Adelphi University

What is it Like to Attend Adelphi University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Wendy is a New York City tutor who graduated from Adelphi University in 2011. She acquired her Bachelors degree in Biology, andshe specializesin Biology tutoring, Anatomy tutoring, Literature tutoring, and more. See what she had to say about Adelphi: VT: How easy or difficult is it to get around on your campus? Is it hilly, do lots of people bike, are there buses, etc. Wendy: Adelphi is a pretty small campus and it's really easy to get around. There are no hills. There are plenty of bike racks in case you want to bike. The campus is beautiful because Adelphi gets some funding from the NY Botanical Gardens to they keep the landscaping gorgeous. Also, there are many sculptures and art pieces on the grounds that are created by members of the Adelphi community, so that makes it even more enjoyable to walk on campus. There is a shuttle bus that goes to various points on campus as well as nearby bus and train stations. Many people that attend Adelphi commute (the LIRR has a stop just a few blocks away) so the shuttle buses help those who take public transportation get around. The shuttle buses are free and come very regularlyand often. VT: How helpful are the academic advisors? Wendy: The academic advisors are great. You must meet with an advisor before registering so that they can help you plan out your schedule and make sure that you are covering all of your requirements. It's easy to switch advisors also if you find one that may know more about your particular career or educational interests. If you are a part of multiple programs (i.e. Honors College, STEP Education Program, etc.), the various departments try to make sure that they assign you an advisor that is familiar with the curricula of all of the programs that you are enrolled in so that they can best help you plan your schedule. VT: How would you describe the dorm life? Wendy: Adelphi is primarily a commuting school. I commuted for my 4 years there, but I had some friends who resided at the University. From what I've seen and heard, the residence halls are very nice and they have a lot of options for what every individual student is looking for. The RA's are very helpful and the Resident Life association is veryaccommodating. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Wendy: Adelphi has a big liberal arts program, but there is truly something for everyone. Our performing arts program has a big representation and the facilities that they use are newly renovated and gorgeous. There are regular performances by the music and theatre departments that are phenomenal. There is a big interest in the STEP program. STEP is a combined Bachelor's/Master's program for people interested in going into teaching. Students can complete both degrees in 5 years. There is also a program in the Physics department that is a combined BS/MS with Columbia school of engineering where students complete a BS and MS in 5 years but they finish their final 2 years at Columbia. There is a big adult student population (the ABLE program) for various programs. There are a considerable number of master's programs offered at the University (Biology, Psychology, Speech Language Pathology, etc.). There is an Honor's College that has a wonderful curriculum modeled on that of Harvard Univ ersity. In order to be enrolled, students must achieve a minimum score on the SAT, have a minimum GPA in high school, and complete a one-on-one interview with the deans of the program. The curriculum incorporates a well-rounded education complete with science, music, art, foreign language, philosophy, and classical literature requirements as well as having special seminars offered by various professors from the different departments at Adelphi. Students must complete and defend and Honor's Thesis on the approved topic of their choice before graduation. Even though it is a very rigorous program, I found it to be a really fantastic experience-the deans are amazing, the curriculum is wonderful, and the doors that the curriculum and professors open up for the students are numerous. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Wendy: I didn't find it difficult at all to make friends. There are many student organizations that help bring together students with different interests- the radio station, Honor's program, Greek life, intramural sports, dance teams, honor societies for various subjects and programs, the newspaper, and many more. The programs range in size but the classes in general are small enough to allow students to both get to know each other as well as the professors teaching them. VT: How helpful is the Career Center? Wendy: I found the Career Center to be pretty helpful. I used the Career Center to help me find jobs on campus. After visiting the career center, I had a job within 2 weeks. I enrolled in medical school after I completed my undergraduate education so I didn't use the Career Center to help me find a job after graduation. I instead relied on the pre-professional office and committee as well as the advice and help of my advisors and mentors in the Biology program and the Honors College. The Learning Center helped me prepare for my medical school application process by helping me write my resume, personal statement, and essays for application. They have a wonderful group of people who meet with students individually to go over graduate school applications and prepare for interviews. They have people that will comprehensively help you prepare for the interview process by doing mock interviews and workshops for application and resume writing as well as interview preparation. VT: How are the various study areas? Libraries? The Student Union? Dorm lounges? Wendy: The library is beautiful and huge. The hours are very friendly for studying and they have a setting for every student- quiet study rooms that can be reserved by individual students, quiet study areas and cubicles, and group study areas. I didn't live on campus so I don't have much experience with the Dorm Lounges and Student Unions. As a member of the Honors College, honors students have 24 hour swipe access to honors college computer lounges and study areas that are perfect for group or individual studying. VT: What is the surrounding town like? What are the best local attractions that make it unique? Wendy: Adelphi is in the heart of Garden City, which is a very nice, quaint town. It's easy to walk around in and grab lunch or coffee. There are many small cafes and places to get lunch from or just hang out in. There is a mall nearby that has any store you could possibly want. Shuttle buses can take you to the mall to see a movie or do some shopping. The beach is ~20 minutes away and is always nice to visit. Adelphi is a 5-10 minute walk from the LIRR station which is a ~30 minute ride to Penn Station in NYC. Shuttle buses also will take you to the train station if you don't feel like walking. VT: How big or small is the student body and how does that affect your experience? Wendy: The student body is a decent size and I personally found it the perfect size for getting to know people without it being too smal so as to prevent you from branching out. The individual programs vary in size, but there is plenty of interaction with people in different schools or programs. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one you dreaded the most. Wendy: Personally, the best part about Adelphi for me was the professors. Whenever I had a problem or concern, I had 2 go-to professors to help me. One was my mentor in the Biology Department. I did research for 2 years on plant genetics with him and he helped me every step of the way with applying to medical schools, deciding which locations and programs were best for me, counseling on writing and completing my thesis, preparing and presenting at research conferences, and outlining and completing my requirements for graduation. The other person that would always help me when I had a crisis was one of the deans of the Honors Program. She was there to help me decide what I wanted to do after graduation and how to go about combining my interests of writing and science so as to find a career that would make me happy and explore all of my interests. She helped me get in touch with my mentor in the Biology department and put me in touch with alumni and professors that I could talk to abou t my interests and professional concerns. I had a great support network in Adelphi of people that would go out of their way to stop everything they were doing to help me figure out my professional concerns. Check out Wendys tutoring profile.The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Food Groups Fat

Food Groups Fat The Fat Myth ChaptersSaturated and Unsaturated FatMonounsaturated and Polyunsaturated FatOil for CookingKeeping a Healthy BalanceFat is one of the three main nutrients required in equal balance within the body alongside protein and carbohydrates.Like the word carbohydrates, the word fat is full of contention but also stigma. And just like carbs, fat is a nutrient that many fad diets have pushed us to avoid in order to lose weight fast.Fat has received a bad reputation because of the lack of understanding of what our bodies need and a superficial idea of what being healthy means.Although we know that consuming too much fat is not good for our health, the word fat, especially in relation to our bodies, is still misunderstood: not all fat is bad for us; some fats are in fact extremely good for us. Eating healthy fat in the right quantities can help our overall health in many different ways.Because there has been a significant rise in these fat-free diets, many food products in the last 20 years have removed fat entirely and, for flavour, added sugar. Even more recently, due to further focus on the effects of consuming too much sugar, sweeteners now replace sugar. These sweeteners are often created synthetically. Consequently, certain foods and diets are left depleted of nutrients.Removing fat altogether from our diets isn't healthy. (Source: Rawpixel on Unsplash)one way to do so is to take a nutrition course.Walnuts provide essential fatty acids. (Source:   Tom Hermans on Unsplash)One thing to take away: fat is not the enemy, it is how we consume it that counts. When it comes to our diets, having small amounts of unsaturated fat throughout the day will keep our bodies functioning at their best. This, coupled with moderate exercise throughout the week will also help keep our hearts and minds strong.If in doubt, check the labels on packaging. It is not always easy to find the right nutritional advice online as there are many conflicting arguments about what is good for us and wh at is not. When it comes to fat, however, the difference between saturated and unsaturated is a good place to start.Knowing the difference and required quantities will make a real difference whether it is to lose weight or be more conscious of the natural benefits of food and general wellbeing.Read more about fruit and vegetables in the diet here.Read more about dairy in the diet here.